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Dominik Wiegand 🇩🇪

''I know I'm born to change the world. Giving up is not an option -

We all have alot more power than we think''

At just 20 years old, Dominik is the Founder of PUBLICATOR - A New NFT Music Distribution Platform To Decentralize The Music Industry. He has taken the challenge to answer our 20 Truth Questions, For us to get some insight, And learn the Truth about the person behind the venture.

My TRUTH Story:

1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF IN THE THIRD PERSON TO A CROWD OF 10,000+ PEOPLE? Dominik Wiegand is a young German entrepreneur who lives in Dubai. He founded "". as his first company in 2021 at the age of 19.

2. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF A TRUTH FOUNDER? A person that's ready to sacrifice himself for his company and never give up, no matter what problems will appear, until he reaches his goals.

3. WHAT EVENT OR EVENTS HAPPENED TO YOU THAT INSPIRED YOU TO BECOME A FOUNDER? My entire life, and I know I'm still young; I wanted to change the world like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Elon Musk. There was no "event" for me when I decided to do so, it's more like a destiny I'm fulfilling.

4. WHAT IS YOUR MORNING ROUTINE & RITUAL? After waking up I make coffee and read in a spiritual or inspirational book. After that I write in my journal.

5. WHAT MANTRA,QUOTE,LINE OR PHRASE DO YOU SAY OFTEN TO INSPIRE AND MOTIVATE YOURSELF? I'm born to change the world. Giving up is not an option! What would Elon Musk do in this situation?

6. WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD CARE ABOUT YOUR VENTURE? We all love listening to music, but most people don't care about the musicians that produce the music. Publicator creates incentives for fans to support their favorite musicians and simultaneously profit from their success. It's a win win situation for everyone.

7. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONE TO MAKE YOUR VENTURE A SUCCESS? I have a big vision in my mind to revolutionize the music industry and won't give up until I reach that.

8. WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE FOR YOU PERSONALLY AND FOR YOUR VENTURE? When many people love our product and use it on a daily basis.

9. ANSWER THESE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE - I BELIEVE... I DON'T BELIEVE... I Believe I have a mission in this world.

I Believe we are young revolutionaries who have the possibility to change an outdated industry.

I Believe there are unlimited possibilities in the world.

I Believe there are no limits to what humans can create if we stand together

10. WHAT'S ONE DECISION YOU MADE AS A FOUNDER THAT COMPLETELY CHANGED THE COURSE OF YOUR JOURNEY? Me and my co-founders all stopped working on the companies we were building previously at the same time, And decided to focus 200% of our energy on publicator. It was (and still is) a big risk, But we wanted the opportunity and clarity to focus on our goals.

11. WHAT DO YOU REGARD AS YOUR GREATEST SUCCESS PERSONALLY & AS A FOUNDER? Having a team that I know will go with me through hell if necessary. We are not just partners in this company, we are family.

12. WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY? I'm very disciplined, goal oriented and focused. I also dream big. I think all that is necessary to be successful.

13. WHAT'S ONE THING YOU CAN IMPROVE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND WHY DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE NOT DONE IT BY NOW? I need to learn to be more patient. I want to solve everything right now, And that often stresses me out. I'm still working on it, And try to be more patient when there are things I cannot change right now.

14. WHAT'S THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED OR GIVEN, OR BOTH? Write down your goals - Print out the things you wanna achieve, And focus on them every day.

15. ON A SCALE FROM 1 TO 10 - 10 BEING THE BEST. HOW WELL DO YOU THINK YOU AND YOUR TRUTH STORY IS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD BY YOUR COMMUNITY? ( WHY NOT 10? ) 7 - Because our product can be hard to understand, There are many factors you need to know: The music industry, What NFT's are, And what you can do on our platform. I think it's also hard because it's an entirely new product.

16. WHO DO YOU MOST ADMIRE AND WHY? How Elon Musk built up so many companies that changed the world we're living in today. It shows us that everybody can do great things, And We all have alot more power than we think.

17. DESCRIBE YOUR VENTURE - ELEVATOR PITCH STYLE? Publicator is a music NFT and distribution platform that will change the music industry. You can buy NFTs and participate in the musicians income.

18. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT MISSION STATEMENT OR MESSAGE + MARKET FIT FOR YOUR VENTURE? We decentralize the music industry and ensure equal opportunities for all musicians.

19. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO TO UNWIND AFTER A LONG WORK DAY? I like to enter a new world and play video games, Or go out to dinner with friends.

20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU TREATED YOURSELF TO AND WHAT DID YOU CELEBRATE? We all bought a watch as a team to celebrate how far our company has come.


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  • Co-Found Events: 250 - 300 People.

  • Audience: Entrepreneurs, Creators, Early Adopters.

  • Job Titles: Founder, CEO, and Business Owner.

  • Average e-mail open rate: 55%

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