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Christopher Heukamp 🇩🇪

''I always had a feeling my life was meant for something bigger and that I stood in my own way for far too long.''

Christopher is the Founder of SWORTS - Clothing Inspired By People Who Live An Intense Life. He has taken the challenge to answer our 20 Truth Questions, For us to get some insight, And learn the Truth about the person behind the venture.

My TRUTH Story:

1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF IN THE THIRD PERSON TO A CROWD OF 10,000+ PEOPLE? Chris is from Germany, And the founder of SWORTS - an active wear brand.

2. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF A TRUTH FOUNDER? A Truth Founder is a person who transforms his life story into a company and shares his view of life to his customers and employees. Inspiration is the key.

3. WHAT EVENT OR EVENTS HAPPENED TO YOU THAT INSPIRED YOU TO BECOME A FOUNDER? I always had a feeling my life was meant for something bigger, And that I stood in my own way for far too long. The development of my brand is the development of my own personality.

4. WHAT IS YOUR MORNING ROUTINE & RITUAL? I get up every morning at 6am. After I meditate to prepare my mind for the day, I go to the gym. My morning routine is a very important tool in my self-development, To be able to act focused and productive. When I control my morning, I control the rest of my day.

5. WHAT MANTRA,QUOTE,LINE OR PHRASE DO YOU SAY OFTEN TO INSPIRE AND MOTIVATE YOURSELF? I don´t use mantras because I'm already a person who tends to overthink. My recipe for motivation is the opposite: I Just start, And go into practice to calm my mind.

6. WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD CARE ABOUT YOUR VENTURE? It is not up to me whether people find me or my brand interesting. However, I am convinced that an authentic brand automatically attracts people who can identify with the brand's values.

7. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONE TO MAKE YOUR VENTURE A SUCCESS? That's a very good question - I had a view for a long time that failure for SWORTS meant failure for me as a person. You have to be careful here, because this perception builds up toxic pressure. I have since changed; So whether success or failure, It doesn't change me as a person. Regardless of my brand, I believe that any business will succeed if the resilience of the founders is strong enough.

8. WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE FOR YOU PERSONALLY AND FOR YOUR VENTURE? Success for me is daily improvements in small steps. I don´t focus on my big goals far in the future. I try to use every day to make small things better. You should never lose sight of the big picture. It is impossible to achieve everything at once. Be humble for small wins & successes. I apply this to my business life, and my private life.

9. ANSWER THESE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE - I BELIEVE... I DON'T BELIEVE... I believe everything is possible.

I believe pain is the best motivator.

I believe there is a higher power that guides you through your journey.

I believe that many people stopped dreaming and that's the reason for many problems in today's world.

I believe every person has a unique gift that can be used to achieve something big.

10. WHAT'S ONE DECISION YOU MADE AS A FOUNDER THAT COMPLETELY CHANGED THE COURSE OF YOUR JOURNEY? Since I've only had my brand for just 1 year, There is no one decision that changed something completely.

11. WHAT DO YOU REGARD AS YOUR GREATEST SUCCESS PERSONALLY & AS A FOUNDER? That I can overcome the noised from outside, And align my focus on my vision for my brand and my life.

12. WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY? That I judge nobody, Because I know what it feels like to be judged.

13. WHAT'S ONE THING YOU CAN IMPROVE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND WHY DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE NOT DONE IT BY NOW? Self-Doubt is an area in my life that I work very hard on. So I am still in the process, But it's a long (maybe life-long) journey that I have to go through. At the same time, I am thankful for it because it drives me often to create something that would probably not exist without my doubtful thoughts.

14. WHAT'S THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED OR GIVEN, OR BOTH? The best advice I've ever received was " Boy, you don´t use your potential. You're waisting your life!"

15. ON A SCALE FROM 1 TO 10 - 10 BEING THE BEST. HOW WELL DO YOU THINK YOU AND YOUR TRUTH STORY IS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD BY YOUR COMMUNITY? ( WHY NOT 10? ) 8. Not 10, because it´s difficult to describe a story with just sentences. The honest moment arises when people feel the story. What I can say from my experience is that you automatically identify more with stories that are similar to your own. Without wanting to compare stories with each other, but I think that is a logical consequence.

16. WHO DO YOU MOST ADMIRE AND WHY? When people are absolutely authentic, show themselves vulnerably to the right people and don't pretend to fit. Why? I was the opposite for a long time ( and still am from time to time ).

17. DESCRIBE YOUR VENTURE - ELEVATOR PITCH STYLE? SWORTS stands for living a feeling that you are an individually great human beeing that uses his potential to creat something big. The logo and apparel is meant to remind the SWORTS Family that there are phases in life that are not easy, And that's exactly when it's time to do your workout. Doing sports prepares you for the great things that await for you behind the darkness.

18. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT MISSION STATEMENT OR MESSAGE + MARKET FIT FOR YOUR VENTURE? Inspired by People. We believe that every product or brand statement is a consequence of experience, conversations or a great story.


20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU TREATED YOURSELF TO AND WHAT DID YOU CELEBRATE? I started working on the last layers to have a better relationship with myself. My success is still to come.


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  • Co-Found Events: 250 - 300 People.

  • Audience: Entrepreneurs, Creators, Early Adopters.

  • Job Titles: Founder, CEO, and Business Owner.

  • Average e-mail open rate: 55%

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